Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Month-aversary!

Its been a month of veganism and I am honestly so content. I feel like this change I made was a pretty big one, but once I committed to it and started doing it, it wasn't hard, it was exciting and fun.

My fingernails are stronger and grow faster (I thought this was just me until another vegan mentioned this). My body feels cleaner. I have lost some weight in a healthy way that wasn't drastic or extreme. And I make better food choices- not because all vegan food is healthy, but because being on a restrictive diet has forced me to stop before I put something in my mouth to eat it. I have to ask: What are the ingredients? Does this contain non-vegan stuff? While I am doing that, I'm looking at the same nutrition label that lists fat, calories, sodium, sugar, not to mention, a potential list of ingredients that are not actually food (even though they are technically vegan) like partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and the laundry list of gross preservatives.

I went to a food court with my youngest son today and realized that a place I used to love to go- a place where food options were everywhere- there wasn't a lot of actually good stuff to eat. When I found vegan options I knew that out of those options, I should pick one that was loaded with as much good-for-me things as possible. It has become second nature and, while not all of the food I eat is super healthy, putting veganism first helped me to let healthfulness flow into my regimen without a whole lot of effort or thought.

I realized something about myself: my strength in the area of vegan food, is VEGANIZING food. I can take a recipe with dairy, meat or eggs, and make it vegan, and make it taste good! This is pretty cool!

I'm still looking up vegan recipes, trying ones of my own, and seeking out vegan cookbooks. But being able to improvise is so fun. Looking back on my old eating habits I am honestly quite shocked and a little bit embarrassed. I thought it was cute to be the 28 year-old that made stick-to-your-ribs food like a grandma- slathered in butter and cream and cheese. That food tasted good, because I was eating badly, and because I had a really unhealthy view of food. Food was there to comfort me and make me feel good, food worked for ME. Having to work for food, to make sound choices and to think before I eat has made a tremendous improvement in my life. 

Networking with other vegans who were more interested in the animal rights aspects of veganism as most vegans are, I've seen so many things that never would have crossed my mind. I was listening to a podcast a week or so ago, and the two hosts were talking about the thought of how much suffering and fear an animal has to endure just to become food, or produce food. I will be honest, while I have always cared about animal welfare, this vegan thing was for me about wanting a challenge and trying something fun. I have learned so much and become so much more aware even in this short amount of time, and I know that I have no even scratched the surface of all there is to learn. I still want this blog to be about happy things and I really want to veer away from being preachy, but I do know that this new leaf has changed not only the way I eat, the way I cook or the choices I make about food, but the way I look at ethics.

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